Hey Leader: Take the first step

Back in 1989 I remember tenderly touching Jennifer’s swollen midsection and saying, “I think I’m going to hit the next person who says, ‘your life will never be the same.’” I knew having a child would change our lives forever – and I knew with a knowledge that would admittedly deepen over the years – … Continued

Can you find yourself in these tales of heroic leadership?

“Leaders go first.” A tautology? In a sense yes, because it’s definitional that leaders stand apart. But my friends Kouzes and Posner in The Leadership Challenge stand this “going first” on its head. They don’t mean “goes first” because he or she is brimming with confidence, bravely blazing a trail that no one else can … Continued

Leading Action

I’m 55 and a voice in me groaned quietly to hear it again.  I’ve been going to church more or less religiously (forgive the pun) on Sundays for those 5+ decades. And when I heard “A man had two sons,” I knew the story nearly by heart.  Add in an older priest as reader and … Continued
